1. Privacy risks. The Internet of Things can make people more While it is convenient to obtain information, it may also leak more information; for example, in smart home scenarios, if camera permissions are stolen, hackers can more easily control people's behavior and other information;
2. Increased information security risks, here are the main It refers to a large number of sensor devices, especially cameras and other devices with very low security levels, which will provide hackers with more available resources (broilers, etc.);
3. Personal security risks, more and more devices can be remotely controlled Control, this leads to machine errors or human-induced personal safety risks. For example, if the air conditioner temperature sensor is wrong, it may increase or decrease the temperature without limit, endangering human health.
?ω?How will the Internet of Things affect our lives1. Networked electronics: The era of the Internet has reached a new height. Earlier, consumers were accustomed to internet-equipped smartphones, but today, they are demanding more and want internet connectivity in every device they use. Smart devices such as televisions, refrigerators, speakers, thermostats, and home security systems can make us even bigger “internet addicts.” Not to mention the rise of wearable devices that monitor health and provide fitness quotient, tracking your vital signs like heart rate, sleep cycles and calorie burn. The rise of networked electronics is rapidly erasing the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds, making our lives more colorful.
2. Smart home: Smart home not only connects intelligence to personal appliances and gadgets, but also extends this function to the entire home. A smart home brings together useful data, smart gadgets and smartphone apps and provides residents with a complete modern experience with access to functionality. When it knows you're coming home, it automatically turns itself on. 3. Connected cars: Many prototypes of connected cars have been tried and tested, and manufacturers like Tesla and Volvo have even promised to bring the cars to ordinary consumers. A complex network of cars, drivers and various infrastructures will "talk" to each other, a move that will not only result in a smooth user experience but will also contribute to the larger governance agenda such as traffic management and parking management .
4. Smart cities: Imagine what goes beyond connected cars and smart homes to make the entire city smarter? From managing utilities such as water, waste disposal, electricity and natural gas to public management such as public safety and mobility, in order to improve the efficiency of energy, material and human resources, the smart city revolution will be greatly reduced. The government has begun to announce and build the development of smart cities. City.
5. Smart agriculture: The growth of food production is an urgent need in today's society. The United Nations has proposed that in order to meet the growing population's demand for food, food production must increase by 60% by 2050. This calls for networked agriculture to use concepts such as data-supported agricultural decisions (crop and weather data), as well as real-time crop monitoring and care to increase productivity.
6. Manufacturing 4.0: Industry 4.0 is a term used to describe the future of manufacturing based on the Internet of Things. Intelligence, flexibility, efficiency and sustainability of manufacturing and supply chains are the future development direction of the manufacturing industry. In this paradigm, production resources such as machines and people will intelligently communicate with each other and proactive production decisions will be able to be taken based on data inputs. A case in point is pre dictive maintenance, which is a great opportunity to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
The Internet of Things is everywhere and will touch and change every aspect of our lives. To make it truly feasible, it is crucial to address negative factors such as safety concerns. IoT manufacturers, technology regulators and enterprises must take the lead in taking this pre cautionary measure. The bottom line is that everyone must realize the beauty of IoT technology and how they can get the best results and stay up to date on the latest advancements.